Business Guide
Nagara chemical industry Co., Ltd is located in Gifu Prefecture, established in 1960,
Besides the head office, 4factories and 2warehouses are owned by our company.
In Japan, We are producing the cosmetic commodities like body soap, shampoo, conditioner, hand sanitizer, hand soap. Besides of these, we are also producing liquid detergents of bath, toilet and kitchen, liquid detergent and softer of clothing, clothing washing powder, detergents for cleaning pipe, pot, washing machine and sinkhole.
Deodorant for refrigerator, air fresher and bath guard for mold are produced in our factories, the insects and mosquito repellent products like seal(patches) rings (wrist strap) and gel are our main products. We are accepting OEM product for manufacturing the commodities『made in japan』. The details about import and export (including OEM),please click this homepage
Charmer cosmetic Co., Ltd is invested by Nagara chemical industry Co.,Ltd.
If you have any inquiries, please contact us directly with the following E-mail address.